Kauri Trees is establishing the Kauri forest in the rolling hills behind Taieri Beach, Otago.
When planting is complete in 2026, the forest will include more than 18,000 Kauri trees (Agathis Australia). It will be the largest contiguous Kauri forest in New Zealand.
New Zealand Kauri more commonly grows in Northland and the Coromandel Peninsula (Te Tara-O-Te-Ika-A-Maui) in New Zealand, but climate change is moving the growing zone south.
At a latitude of 46 degrees south, the Kauri forest will be New Zealand’s southern-most significant stand of Kauri trees.
Between August 2023 and October 2024, 17,000 nurse trees were planted to protect the future Kauri. Forty four different varieties provide a diverse flora foundation to support indigenous fauna.